Monday, August 12, 2024

History with Jackie Penny

Early American history 

Text: American Origins

2024 classes 

Class 1: September 12 

Assignment due (required): 

Read: Chapter 5 pages 56-68

Answer: page 69 number 1, 6, 9

Bring book of centuries to class and answers to questions (willing to share a chosen response)

Class 2: September 19

Assignment due (required): 

Read: Chapters 1-2 pp. 1-13

Read ahead if desired: Chapter 2 pp. 14-28* (*plan: will be assigned next week)

Answer: Page 13; 1,3,7,8

Class 3: September 26

Class 4: October 3

Class 5: October 10

Class 6: October 17

Class 7: October 24

Class 8: October 31

Class 9: November 7

Class 10: November 14

Class 11: November 21

Class 12: December 12 

Optional field trips:

Plimoth Patuxet September 13th or move one of the Thursday dates

Historic Deerfield (October 14th - Monday holiday?) 

Afternoons (Thursdays) in the archive at Sterling Historical:  

Note—this will be during the science labs/art classes block // proposed dates: 

October 10

November 17

Proposed field trip places and notes: 

17th century//

Saugus Ironworks (closes November 1) 

Historic Deerfield (May 1-December 1) 

Plymouth Plantation // Plymouth Rock (closes November 24) 

Redemption Rock (Mary Rowlandson) 

17th century Boston walking tour (graveyard, church) St. Botolph district 

Harvard Museums (plus walking Cambridge - great late fall // winter) 

Salem/Danvers walking tour; site of parsonage (avoid touristy sites/occult) 

18th century //

Boston MFA (for picture study) - maybe during break December-February 

Lexington and Concord (250th commemoration in April)

John Adams Homestead (opens May 1) 

18th century Boston walking tour (ex. Old State House)

2025 classes 

[To be added]

Second Term (Spring 2025) proposed trips:

American Antiquarian Society 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Reading with Tim

 Reading List for American Literature class for 2024-2025

Library List:
Rabbit Holes: 

Main text: Writing New England: An Anthology from the Puritans to the Present (WNE) ed. by A. Delbanco (can get on used market too) Amazon link

Pre-American roots 

  • 9/9, 9/16, John Bunyan one edition here The Pilgrim’s Progress 
  • 9/23, Indigenous Writers (mostly Nipmuc and Wampanoag) reference From Dawnland Voices pages 374-375, 423-424, 435-438 packet “Chief Powhatan's Address to Captain John Smith” pages 5-6 “Big Mouth, Onondaga Chief to De la Barre, Governor of Canada”(from Great American speeches for young) pages 7-8 packet 
  • 9/30, 10/7, Pocahontas by Joseph Bruchac

Seventeenth century

  • 9/23, William Bradford (selections - take out of Humanitas) Of Plymouth Plantation selection on page 139-154 (no page 143, is timeline) - email 
  • 10/21, John Winthrop (in WNE) Model of Christian Charity and Letter to His Wife p. 3 p. 259
  • 10/21, Anne Bradstreet  (in WNE) Poetry:  Before the Birth of One of her Children p. 115, --(will email copies of following): The Prologue, The Author to her Book, The Flesh and the Spirit, To My Dear and Loving Husband, Upon the Burning of Our House 
  • 10/28, Mary Rowlandson A Narrative of the Captivity of Mary Rowlandson (library?)
  • 11/4, 11/18, Elizabeth George Speare here Witch of Blackbird Pond (library?)
  • 11/25, Lydia Maria Child Selections from: Hobomok (supplied) 

Eighteenth century 

  • 12/2, Olaudah Equiano Interesting Narrative (library?)
  • 12/9, Benjamin Franklin Autobiography (library?)
  • 12/16, William Apess (in WNE) Eulogy on King Philip (selection) p. 346
  • 12/16, Phillis Wheatley Poetry: On being brought from Africa to America, On the Death of a young And Lady of Five Years of Age, Letter to John Thornton (will email)

Revolution and First Fruits 

  • Jean Lee Latham here Carry on, Mr. Bowditch
  • George Washington “First Inaugural Address” (Living Book press - pdf will be provided) and “Observe Good Faith and Justice towards all Nations”

  • Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin 
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poetry “Jewish Cemetery,” “Hiawatha,” “Evangeline” “Wreck of Hesperus” and “the Village Blacksmith" (Harp & Laurel)
  • James Fennimore Cooper Selection from Leatherstocking Tales (eg The Pilot? Or Pioneers? Or The Spy? Or the Deerslayer? Or his short story the Lake Gun? Or his John Paul Jones: American Naval Officers. Looking here for something appropriate….). 

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson (in WNE) from Nature + poems: Earth-Song and Fable (from Boston History book) or selections from his Essays (still looking into this)

  • Henry David Thoreau Walden 

  • Washington Irving Rip Van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow

  • Louisa May Alcott here Eight Cousins

  • Nathaniel Hawthorne Twice Told Tales or/with “Young Goodman Brown”

  • Herman Melville “I and my Chimney” (TBD)

Planned Dates (Mondays 12:45-2:15): 

September 9, 16, 23, 30

October 7, 21, 28

November 4, 18, 25

December 2, 9, 16

Monday holidays, 10/14, 11/11 could be field trip dates (if open)

January 13, 27

February 3, 10, 24

March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

April 7, 28

May 5, 12 (snow date)

Monday holiday/Field trip dates: 1/20, 2/17, 4/14 and possible End of Year wrap up Lunch May 12th or 19th.